Black Dog Performance is dedicated to the two lives who impacted Brenna the most when it came to realizing the value and importance of massage therapy, her father Pat and her horse Jammer.
Pat was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease (otherwise known as A.L.S.) in 2005. He lived with the disease for eight years before passing away in 2013. It wasn't until Pat passed away that Brenna started human massage school, but while she was taking classes in her equine course, Pat was always more than happy to be a body for her to practice on. Massage therapy was one of the only treatments that helped to ease his pain as his ALS progressed, which is what drove Brenna to pursue a career in this therapy.
Jammer (Poco Gems Dual) was Brenna's first horse she trained start to finish (with some amazing help along the way). After having seen the benefits of bodywork in many of the school horses she worked with from an equine osteopath, Brenna started learning about how she could help her own with massage. The two competed in reining and all-around classes throughout Washington and Montana until Jammer passed away in July of 2016 at only nine years of age from kidney failure.
We miss and love you two each and every day.